SEED - How to Maintain Eligibility
Associate degree students must enroll in at least 12 credit hours for their first semester and maintain continuous enrollment for at least two semesters in each successive academic year. Associate degree students may enroll on a part-time basis (less than 12 credit hours) after their first semester. Associate degree students may also take one academic year off without losing their eligibility for a SEED scholarship. Students may request additional and/or longer leaves of absence for military service, participation in a full-time volunteer service program, personal or family hardship, or a documented medical condition.
Associate degree students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5, which is calculated using all college-level credits attempted. The cumulative GPA is verified at the end of the summer semester to determine eligibility for the next academic year. In extenuating circumstances, students may submit a SEED scholarship appeal to request consideration to maintain eligibility with a lower cumulative GPA.
Students are eligible to participate in the SEED Scholarship Program for up to 10 continuous semesters, whether or not the student is full or part-time and/or if SEED payment was made.
The SEED scholarship will not pay for repeated courses or any other courses or post-secondary units previously paid or not required to complete the student's academic credential.
SEED funding is available to students who did not graduate high school with a 2.5 GPA or equivalent, but who successfully complete a credit or non-credit program leading to the award of a recognized academic credential at Delaware Technical Community College, meet all other eligibility requirements, and thereafter pursue additional recognized academic credentials or an associate degree.
Each academic year, students must apply for financial aid by completing the FAFSA at www.studentaid.gov and complete all additional financial aid requirements. Students pursuing non-credit certificate programs are not required to complete the FAFSA.
Students must notify the Financial Aid Office if they are convicted of a violent felony, which would make them ineligible for the SEED scholarship.
If you have SEED or financial aid questions, please visit Student Support for assistance.