Math Course Placement

Pathways allow students to take a math course aligned to their program and career needs.

Math pathways help students successfully complete their degree and any math requirements required for graduation. The goal of math pathways is to provide a concise set of math courses that students complete based on their program - with less chance of needing to repeat a math course when changing majors. Very few programs require higher level mathematics under this design. Instead, math courses are selected that better align with the math skills needed in the field. Math pathways, along with a corequisite design, allow you to complete your degree in less time.

Learn more about the four pathways and determine the math course(s) you need:

In order to determine the math course(s) you need to take, you first need to find your program. There are four math pathways. If you click each pathway below, you will see the list of corresponding programs. After locating your program, click “Determine Your Math Course(s)” to determine your college-readiness.

This is our largest pathway with the math course(s) focused on developing reasoning skills meaningful to your program. This math includes numeracy, modeling, basic statistical reasoning, and analysis of information using graphical strategies.

Classes you will take:

You will determine which courses you need by answering a set of questions. If you are determined to be college-ready, then you will be placed in MAT 152 and waived from the support course. If you are not waived from support, you will take MAT 052 and MAT 152 in the same semester.

Note: Students who have a concern about their placement are encouraged to meet with their academic counselor in initial advisement, their program advisor, or, when appropriate, their campus math chair.

Programs in this pathway:

  • Applied Agriculture
  • Applied Agriculture - Agribusiness Management Concentration
  • Applied Agriculture - Production Agriculture Concentration
  • Applied Agriculture - Turf and Ornamental Horticulture Concentration
  • Associate Degree Nursing
  • Automotive Technology
  • Aviation Maintenance Tech
  • Baking and Pastry Skills Certificate
  • Business Administration
  • Business Administration - Entrepreneurship Concentration
  • Business Administration-Accounting Concentration
  • Business Administration - Management Concentration
  • Business Administration - Marketing Concentration
  • Communications
  • Cooking Certificate
  • Criminal Justice
  • Culinary Arts
  • Diesel Technology
  • Early Childhood Development
  • Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic
  • General Studies *
  • Human Services
  • Information Technology and Networking (ITN)
  • ITN Information Security Concentration
  • ITN Networking Concentration
  • ITN Programming Concentration
  • Legal Studies
  • Medical Assistant
  • Medical Assistant Studies
  • Paralegal Certificate
  • Practical Nursing Diploma
  • Refrigeration, Heating, and Air
  • Refrigeration, Heating, and Air Diploma
  • Surgical Technology
  • Veterinary Technology
  • Visual Communications

* Please refer to your interest area if you are planning to apply for competitive admissions into a specific allied health program as this may impact which math course is needed.

This pathway is designed for programs requiring an introductory statistics course around broad statistical concepts. Students will learn how to analyze data, construct and test hypotheses, solve problems, and reflect. Student will use technology to analyze and understand data.

Classes you will take:

If you are college-ready, meaning you have assessed using SAT scores, high school GPA, previous college courses or degree, or you have scored well on a placement test, then you could be placed in MAT 162. If you have assessed below college-ready and need support, you will take MAT 062 and MAT 162 in the same semester.

Note: ACCUPLACER cannot be used to waive support for MAT 162. Students who have a concern about their placement are encouraged to meet with their academic counselor in initial advisement, their program advisors, or, when appropriate, their campus math chair.

Programs in this pathway:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Business Administration Transfer
  • Cardiovascular Sonography
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography
  • Exercise Science
  • Health Information Mgt
  • Histotechnician
  • Medical Laboratory Technician
  • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
  • Occupational Therapy Assistant
  • Physical Therapist Assistant
  • Radiologic Technology
  • Respiratory Care

This pathway is designed for our future educators. This pathway will provide students the opportunity for conceptual understanding needed to teach mathematics.

Classes you will take:

All students can enroll directly into MAT 172. There is not a prerequisite or corequisite for this course. Students will take: MAT 172, MAT 173, MAT 274.

MAT 172

MAT 173

MAT 274

Programs in this pathway:

  • Early Care and Education (Birth-2)
  • Elementary Education

This pathway is designed to prepare students for calculus.

Classes you will take:

You will determine which courses you need by answering a set of questions. If you are determined to be college-ready, then you will be placed in MAT 183, MAT 193, or MAT 281 depending on SAT scores, ACCUPLACER scores, and prior coursework. Otherwise, you will begin with MAT 099.

Note: Students who have a concern about their placement are encouraged to meet with their academic counselor in initial advisement, their program advisors, or, when appropriate, their campus math chair.

Programs in this pathway:

  • Architectural Engineering Technology
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering Technology
  • Civil Engineering Transfer
  • Computing and Information Science
  • Construction Management
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering Transfer Option
  • Electromechanical
  • Electronics Engineering Technology
  • Engineering Drafting and Design Technology
  • Environmental Engineering Tech
  • Math Secondary
  • Mechanical Engineering Tech
  • Science Education (chemistry/physics)